We have a 1 year/20 000km warranty on all engine rebuilds.
Goch and Cooper Auto Services Engineering Department specialize in Cylinder Head reconditioning and Automotive Engineering.
If your vehicle is under warranty and you develop a cylinder head problem, it will be more than likely be reconditioned by us, for we have built up a relationship with many agents and assist them with intricate cylinder head repairs, engine measuring and automotive engineering.
If you require information regarding a detailed engine build or would like to discuss a performance camshaft choice, how to calculate your compression ratio or advice on a serious engine rebuild, make an appointment with the Director, Deon Goch whom has more than 28 years’ experience in the performance industry. He will gladly discuss your interests over a cup of coffee and give you a tour of our state-of-the-art facility and give you expert advice and quote you affordable prices.
If you restoring a classic engine or a masterpiece that you feel nervous to touch, we understand engineering. Our cylinder head machinery delivers only but perfection.